Proud to be a part of the animated film "The Lonely King", Rowan Atkinson

LOS ANGELES - Leading British actor Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) says he's proud to be part of the 1994 animated film "The Lonely King." ۔

He said in a recent interview that he is proud to be a part of the animated film "The Lonely King", he did not want to do this film because he had never voiced for an animated film before. And they thought that giving voice over for the film would be useless for them because I am a visual artist.

He said he was offered the film by Robin Dresol, who co-authored it with Mr. Bean. "I had no idea it would be such a good film and be the most successful." The film has become a sequel, remake, television sequel, television spin-off series, three educational shorts, several video games and merchandise.

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